
11 Jan 2009



Hola! After efforts con el After Effects, he conseguido montar una pequeña reel de ilustracion, diseño grafico y mi trabajo en general! Aqui os la dejo y espero que os guste. si haceis click en el link de arriba o AQUI la podeis ver en HD en Vimeo (una vez alli, click full screen mode). Besos

Hello! After some effort and after effects I edited a little demo reel with some of my work in it. It contains illustrations, drawing and artwork I have done as freelance. I hope you like it! If you click on the link on top, or HERE you can see the HD version en Vimeo (there, click full screen mode). Love

Snow in Madrid!! *.*.*.*.*.*

Y cayeron un monton de copos en Madrid! esta foto no es artistica, es solo peculiar porque yo no habia visto esto antes: el parque del barrio, tan cubierto de nieve! :D yuhuuu!
And a lot of snowflakes fell all over Madrid!! This photo is not particularly artistic, but it is rare, because I hadn't seen the park in the neighbourhood like this before (not with so much snow!) :D yahoooooo!!!