
29 Sept 2011

Bird on the wire

El otro dia fuimos a un concierto con varios grupos, entre ellos, este. Solo chicas (esto no deberia ser remarcable, pero de momento lo sigue siendo) y muy jóvenes por cierto. Tocaban muy bien. Asi que despues pinté esto en casa :) (y si, la guitarrista estaba en calcetines)
Hello! The other day I went to a concert with several bands. One of them was this one. Only girls (which shouldn't need to be mentioned, but it still is) and very young ones by the way. I liked it. I drew this at home :) (and yes, the guitarist had no shoes on)

23 Sept 2011

Blue Energy

Hola! aunque me proponga lo del dibujo al dia... o dos cada dos dias, jaja, no hay manera..
Asi que he recuperado un "pitch" que hicimos hace un tiempo para un anuncio de Endesa con un tratamiento artístico. Ganamos el pitch, pero el tratamiento artistico se perdió por el camino. Bueno, aqui está el original. El anuncio ya lo publiqué en otro post pero si lo quereis ver, aqui podeis.
Hello! Not even trying the trick of the drawing_per_day or even two_drawings_per_day, there's no way...  So, I have recovered a pitch we did for Endesa (Electricity company in Spain) some time ago. We gave an artistic look to the images, we won the pitch but the look got lost in the way. Anyway this is the stuff we proposed. I already published the final advert in another post, but if you want to see it here it is
Productora / Producers: Lee Films 
Y esto es la animación esquemática (muy brusca, rough, vamos) de una de las transiciones:
This is a veryvery rough animation of one of the transitions: 

4 Sept 2011


Y otra vez se me juntaron 2 días! Asi que otra vez 2 dibujos, quizá es mejor de esta forma ¿?
Pues dos Jasons ^_^
Again 2 days in a row, again a couple of drawings then, these ones for Jase ^_^
Oil on board
Marker on paper (digital shades)

2 Sept 2011

Su sitio favorito * His favorite place

Ay, se me ha pasado un dia! yo que me iba a intentar subir un sketch diario! .. mmmñ, bueno, pues hoy dos :D
Oh, I skipped one day! ..I was going to try to upload a sketch a day.. mmm.. Ok, two for today, then... :D
This is now his favorite place... marker and watercolour on paper
marker on paper / digital colouring